Configuration Manager Report Query for Servers not rebooted in the last week

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Last updated on April 16th, 2023 at 11:28 pm

Read Time:1 Minute, 18 Second

If you want to report on the servers that have not had a reboot in the last week within your Configuration Manager environment then you can run this query directly on your SQL database or you can use it to create a report within SSRS.

How to create a Configuration Manager Report using SSRS

SQL Query

The query is below and can be altered to fit your own needs by adding columns and tables if or where required.

ON SMS_G_System_OPERATING_SYSTEM.ResourceID = SMS_R_System.ResourceId
WHERE (SMS_G_System_OPERATING_SYSTEM.Caption like "%2003%" or SMS_G_System_OPERATING_SYSTEM.Caption like "%2008%" or SMS_G_System_OPERATING_SYSTEM.Caption like "%2012%")
and (DateDiff(day, SMS_G_System_OPERATING_SYSTEM.LastBootUpTime, GetDate()) >7)

You can change the number “7” at the end of the query to reflect any changes in the number of days you want to look back at.

You can also add or remove caption entries for other versions of the server.

More Queries

Our full range of SQL and WQL Collection queries are available here.


If you have any questions or feedback about this post, or if you would like us to create any queries for you, please go ahead and leave us a message below in the comments section and we will get back to you as quick as we can.

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Andrew Armstrong

Founder of TechyGeeksHome and Head Editor for over 15 years! IT expert in multiple areas for over 23 years. Sharing experience and knowledge whenever possible! Making IT Happen.
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