TGH Word Cloud

ImgWater v1.0 Released

UPDATE: ImgWater v1.1 is now available – click the Downloads button above to obtain ================================================================ We are pleased to announce the released of ImgWater v1.0. This is a new product release and is designed to allow you to import an image, type your text watermark and then save the image with your watermark embedded in…

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SCCM – WQL Query for machines with 4GB RAM or more

If you have a requirement to identify machines with 4GB RAM or more, then you can use the following WQL query to do this. select distinct SMS_R_System.Name, SMS_R_System.ADSiteName, SMS_G_System_X86_PC_MEMORY.TotalPhysicalMemory, SMS_R_System.IPAddresses, SMS_R_System.LastLogonUserName, SMS_R_System.DistinguishedName from SMS_R_System inner join SMS_G_System_X86_PC_MEMORY on SMS_G_System_X86_PC_MEMORY.ResourceID = SMS_R_System.ResourceId where SMS_G_System_X86_PC_MEMORY.TotalPhysicalMemory >= 4096000 order by SMS_R_System.Name, SMS_R_System.ADSiteName, SMS_R_System.IPAddresses, SMS_R_System.LastLogonUserName, SMS_R_System.DistinguishedName You can change…

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God Mode for Windows

If you wish to play God with your Windows operating system and have the ability to change virtually every setting on your machine in one easy to access window – then this little tool is for you. Simply download the installer, install on your Windows machine and you will gain full access to all the…

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