
SCCM – WQL Query for machines with 4GB RAM or more

If you have a requirement to identify machines with 4GB RAM or more, then you can use the following WQL query to do this. select distinct SMS_R_System.Name, SMS_R_System.ADSiteName, SMS_G_System_X86_PC_MEMORY.TotalPhysicalMemory, SMS_R_System.IPAddresses, SMS_R_System.LastLogonUserName, SMS_R_System.DistinguishedName from SMS_R_System inner join SMS_G_System_X86_PC_MEMORY on SMS_G_System_X86_PC_MEMORY.ResourceID = SMS_R_System.ResourceId where SMS_G_System_X86_PC_MEMORY.TotalPhysicalMemory >= 4096000 order by SMS_R_System.Name, SMS_R_System.ADSiteName, SMS_R_System.IPAddresses, SMS_R_System.LastLogonUserName, SMS_R_System.DistinguishedName You can change…

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God Mode for Windows

If you wish to play God with your Windows operating system and have the ability to change virtually every setting on your machine in one easy to access window – then this little tool is for you. Simply download the installer, install on your Windows machine and you will gain full access to all the…

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SCCM – WQL Query for devices with specific software installed

If you want to identify machines with a specific piece of software installed, you can utilise the Add/Remove Programs software inventory to do this by using this query. select distinct SMS_R_System.Name, SMS_R_System.OperatingSystemNameandVersion, SMS_R_System.ClientVersion from SMS_R_System inner join SMS_G_System_ADD_REMOVE_PROGRAMS on SMS_G_System_ADD_REMOVE_PROGRAMS.ResourceID = SMS_R_System.ResourceId where SMS_G_System_ADD_REMOVE_PROGRAMS.DisplayName = “Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010” order by SMS_R_System.Name In this…

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Report on Dell Warranty Statuses for all machines using SCCM & Dell Client Integration Pack

Dell have an excellent tool freely available called Dell Client Integration Pack. Included in this tool is something called Warranty Status. What this part of the tool does is looks at your SCCM SQL database for Dell machines and their asset tags, then checks against its own warranty database for the warranty information. It then inserts…

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SCCM – WQL Query for machines with a valid Hardware Scan in the last x days

If you would like to identify the machines that have had a valid hardware inventory scan within the last x amount of days, you can use this WQL query as per below. select SMS_R_System.Name, SMS_G_System_WORKSTATION_STATUS.LastHardwareScan from SMS_R_System inner join SMS_G_System_WORKSTATION_STATUS on SMS_G_System_WORKSTATION_STATUS.ResourceId = SMS_R_System.ResourceId where DateDiff(dd,SMS_G_System_WORKSTATION_STATUS.LastHardwareScan,GetDate() ) <= 15 This query is defaulted to 15…

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